Josh Goldberg
A small Shinto shrine called Hakusan Gongen, following the pre-Meiji terminology, at Kita-in, Kawagoe.

Definitely Formatted

Apr 30, 202425 minute read

How we migrated the massive DefinitelyTyped repository from using a linter for formatting to the dprint formatter.

Last year, I had the pleasure of leading a project to onboard the massive DefinitelyTyped repository to using a dedicated formatter, dprint, with some members of the TypeScript community and team. This change took us nearly half a year from start to end: initial discussions in late May and the last PR merged in early October. It went through some twists and turns but I’m happy with how it all turned out.


DefinitelyTyped is one of the largest, most active repositories on GitHub. It contains nearly 9,000 folders storing community-authored TypeScript type definitions for JavaScript projects that don’t ship their own types. DefinitelyTyped supports those many thousands of projects with a ton of tooling that manages PR reviews and auto-publishing to @types/ packages such as @types/react. Much of that tooling exists in the Microsoft/DefinitelyTyped-tools repository.

ESLint vs. TSLint

Back in mid-2023, DefinitelyTyped was still using the TSLint for linting. TSLint had long been deprecated in favor of ESLint. As a former maintainer of TSLint, I was motivated to help move DefinitelyTyped onto ESLint and off of the deprecated TSLint.

Although most of the old TSLint rules have equivalents in ESLint, many rules are implemented slightly different in ESLint-land. Rules around formatting -changing the whitespace and other trivia without logic- tended to be particularly different. Migrating formatting rules from TSLint to ESLint would necessitate a ton of small changes. Not ideal.

Formatting vs. Linting

At the same time we were looking at migrating DefinitelyTyped to ESLint, I was advocating in ESLint circles to “STOP USING ESLINT FOR FORMATTING”. My belief is that formatters such as Prettier and linters such as ESLint are fundamentally different tools built for different purposes. While you can use ESLint for formatting thanks to ESLint Stylistic, ESLint recommends using a separate dedicated formatter and typescript-eslint also recommends against using ESLint for formatting.

The drive to use a formatter for formatting instead of a linter was well-timed for the DefinitelyTyped migrations. We could skip having to migrate the old TSLint formatting rules to the ESLint equivalents by using a formatter for formatting instead! 💡

The Choices

Continuous Integration

Repositories commonly integrate formatters in up to three ways:

The first two options we opted to include without debate. But what to run in CI was trickier.

Many DefinitelyTyped contributors don’t work in rich code editors like VS Code. Some aren’t even day-to-day programmers. Some contributors exclusively do occasional work in the GitHub web editor. Asking them to apply arbitrary formatting changes manually would be inconvenient for them and restrict their ability to easily contribute.

An alternate idea we’d seen in other repositories was to have a bot automatically fix formatting issues on the branch. That would keep code on the branch formatted, but would run the risk of confusing contributors not yet familiar with Git or GitHub. I’ve personally tried bots like that and also found them annoying to deal with.

Conclusion: was that we shouldn’t block PRs on formatting issues. …but then how would we enforce formatting be valid on the default branch?

The Merge Bot

Fortunately, the DefinitelyTyped repository already had a “DefinitelyTyped Merge Bot” set up to merge PRs. The merge bot merges PRs once CI is passing and at least one area owner has approved.

We added a planning note that the merge bot could apply formatting to PRs just before merging them. We saw this as a “best of both worlds” situation: the convenience of not requiring PR authors to format their code, with the strictness of keeping the default branch fully formatted.

We also noted that we’d need to still apply formatting on the default branch after PR merges. We didn’t want to require PRs be up-to-date to be merged, even if the default branch had changes to its formatting settings.

We were also interested in creating a general-purpose PR bot that could offer to apply formatting to PRs for users. That kind of opt-in behavior could overcome the confusion of automatic formatting bots. I plan on tackling that eventually in create-typescript-app#139 🛠 Tooling: Add a bot that suggests auto-formatting


The biggest choice we needed to make was the actual formatter tool. At the time, there were two tools that we considered stable and well-supported:

Both formatters were feasible options. dprint had the advantages of being faster and more configurable, while Prettier had the advantages of higher user familiarity.

After several iterations of back-and-forth in the private chat, we settled on proposing dprint. The following two sections are the main reasons why.

Ecosystem Partnership

Although both dprint and Prettier are popular and widely used, dprint and Deno have only a fraction of the total number of users that Prettier and Node have. Very few large ecosystem projects were using dprint. Developer tooling projects such as formatters need “production” usage to exercise edge cases and collect real user feedback. Moving DefinitelyTyped to dprint was a unique opportunity to lend a helping hand to dprint in the form of bug reports and feature requests.

David Sherret and Jake Bailey did end up sending several issues and pull requests around dprint and swc to support the work. This is an incomplete list of the most important improvements:

One of the benefits of working with newer projects and ecosystem partners you’re on close terms with is the ability to get issues resolved quickly. Many of the issues we filed as a part of this work were resolved within days -or even hours- by David or Donny.


dprint’s performance at the scale of DefinitelyTyped at the time of selection blew Prettier away. From the DefinitelyFormatted Gist:

A quick comparison of running both tools and pprettier on DefinitelyTyped shows a 10 second vs. minutes-scale difference:

npx dprint fmt  141.52s user 9.29s system 1481% cpu 10.177 total
npx pprettier --write './types/**/*.{ts,mts,cts}'  8.97s user 3.18s system 21% cpu 56.725 total
npx prettier -w ./types  361.28s user 35.60s system 126% cpu 5:13.36 total

Formatter performance doesn’t matter very much when you’re only formatting a few changed files at a time as a CI job, commit hook, or editor format-on-save action. But the time does add up when working on changes that touch many hundreds of files, such as improving the lint configuration across a whole repository.

Prettier landed some impressive CLI performance improvements several months after our investigation. Its new performance speed is still orders of magnitude slower. However, even if dprint and Prettier were to run at the same speed, we still feel the ecosystem partnership benefits of dprint are enough for DefinitelyTyped to solidly choose dprint.


One benefit of sharing with small groups first is that you learn the common questions and stumbling blocks before sharing publicly. DefinitelyTyped had a few points that I nailed down early, to avoid derailing discussions later on:

I tried to lean on my past intuition from maintaining repositories and working on teams. But, projects at the scale of DefinitelyTyped have different priorities than smaller ones. I needed to be flexible and willing to compromise my personal ideals for the sake of getting the project done.

Tabs vs. Spaces

“Tabs vs. Spaces” is one of the most frustratingly common, yet-to-be resolved debates in the developer community. You’d think that after decades of active discussion we’d have come to a conclusion. Nope! Most discussions on the subject get bogged down by logical fallacies and monomania over points that don’t end up mattering. Prettier’s four-year-old Change useTabs to true by default is over 700 comments and going strong.

Unfortunately for us, choosing a formatter necessitates choosing what indentation format it went with. The vast majority of DefinitelyTyped packages use four spaces for indentation. Switching DefinitelyTyped to using tabs was out of scope for this work. So we stuck with four spaces as indentation for the dprint settings — with the prerequisite that we’d need to let individual packages override that if they needed.

To support that work:

Aside: I personally prefer spaces in theory but use tabs in my projects because I’ve been told they’re better for accessibility reasons. I also find it frustrating that, to my knowledge, no accessibility organization released a formal study that backs up the general advice of using tabs for accessibility. If you know of such a study, please let me know!

The Plan

Executing any change to a large shared repository necessitates proposing the change in the open beforehand. You can’t just decide to do something and roll it out. The change must be surfaced to and discussed by a large segment of the community so they can point out potential issues beforehand.

My strategy for proposing changes is generally to repeat a cycle of:

  1. Ideate what I’d like to do
  2. Share with a small group of people
  3. Fill in the plan and FAQs based on their feedback
  4. Repeat with larger and larger groups of people.

For DefinitelyTyped’s formatting migration, those steps ended up being:

  1. ~May 2023: Confirm in a private chat with Nathan Shively-Sanders that DefinitelyTyped was ready to migrate to a dedicated formatter
  2. ~June 2023:
    1. Create a Gist named “DefinitelyFormatted” where I wrote up a summary of the context behind, strategies for, and FAQs around the proposed changes
    2. Show that Gist in a private chat with a few DefinitelyTyped folks
  3. ~July 2023:
    1. Post the Gist as GitHub Discussion: Using a formatter for formatting (instead of lint rules)
    2. Share that discussion on social media
  4. ~August 2023: Send an initial slate of pull requests:
    • Migrations of sections of DefinitelyTyped to the formatter
    • Updates to DefinitelyTyped-tools to remove formatting lint rules and allow dprint
  5. ~September 2023: Slog through individual issues resultant from those formatting PRs
  6. ~October 2023: Finish up the last tricky pull requests

You can see the tracking list of issues and PRs in this discussion comment.

The Rollout

It’s expected when you make sweeping changes to any large repository -especially one with tens of thousands of files like DefinitelyTyped- that some things will go wrong in surprising ways. We got through some of the unexpected problems early in the planning by running dprint on DefinitelyTyped and reporting issues (see Ecosystem Partnership earlier). I also opted to send multiple waves of pull requests to DefinitelyTyped, so each area of problems wouldn’t impact other areas:

  1. Added dprint config and commit-on-master task: setting up the settings for the dprint VS Code extension and GitHub Actions trigger to automatically format files, without enabling the trigger yet
  2. Twenty-six PRs to apply formatting to one alphabet letter at a time, and one for non-letters: each merged as soon as they had a passing build, and with troublesome packages removed for a later PR
  3. Several other PRs to format individual, troublesome packages that were causing build issues in their “alphabet letter PR”

Still, as expected, some unexpected difficulties came up that we had to deal with.

Comment Directives

Comments! For a language feature so many developers joke about never using, comments can be a surprisingly common annoying edge case. Especially when “comment directives” such as // eslint-ignore-next-line (ESLint) and // @ts-expect-error (TypeScript) change the behavior of other tools. By far the most common cause of build breaks in the alphabet letter PRs was formatting changing which areas of code some comment directives applied to.

Consider the following contrived example’s // @ts-expect-error. The comment directive was originally correctly suppressing an error, but was auto-formatted to apply to the wrong line:

declare function onlyTakesNumbers(...input: number[]): void;

// @ts-expect-error
- onlyTakesNumbers(0, "this line should have // @ts-expect-error suppressing a type error", 1);
+ onlyTakesNumbers(
+  0,
+ "this line should have // @ts-expect-error suppressing a type error",
+  1
+ );

Formatters don’t have any way to call into other tools such as ESLint or TypeScript to know what comments act as directives for which ranges of code. I had to manually move around quite a few comment directives in individual package PRs. The work wasn’t practically difficult, but it was boring and tedious.

Merge Bot Changes

The biggest change we made after the plan was on how to run the formatter for users. Our initial plan was to have the existing DefinitelyTyped merge bot apply dprint formatting to PRs before merging them. The bot was already creating commits on behalf of developers, so I’d hoped this would allow for keeping files formatted without bothering curmudgeonly developers.

Unfortunately, the DefinitelyTyped merge bot wasn’t set up to have state between “PR is approved and passing builds” and “PR is merging”. We would need to add states like “PR is being formatted”, “Formatting succeeded”, and “Formatting introduced build failures”.

We ended up opting for a simpler approach of solely relying on a dprint fmt run run on the default branch after each commit. It was much simpler to write and maintain than introducing new state flows to the existing merge bot.

There is still the edge case that auto-formatting might introduce comment directive CI failures to the main branch. We haven’t seen that be a common pain point since this work went in.

The Results

…it works! 🙌

We merged Added dprint config and commit-on-master task on October 6th, 2023. It added VS Code settings, documentation, updates to a few ancillary scripts, and a trigger to format files on merges to the default branch. It also included a .git-blame-ignore-revs file to avoid cluttering the Git history with formatting changes.

The only user pain we received feedback on was an extra publish of each of the @types/ packages despite not having any functional changes. Which is fair: in theory we could have skipped releases from PRs that only touched package formatting. In practice, I was worried about previously-unknown formatting bugs causing bugs in types, and wanted any bugs to be caught sooner rather than later. In retrospect that didn’t happen, so this was just extra precaution. Ah well.

Otherwise I’m happy to report I’ve heard roughly zero noise about the formatting changes. I’ve heard no users speak out for or against the changes in any way. The lack of noise is good in the sense that we don’t seem to have broken the contribution flow for anybody.

I’m not too surprised that this flew under the radar. Such is the nature of open source: the development setups of even very large projects are irrelevant to most of their users, and only briefly relevant to most contributors.

I think this change was very positive for the DefinitelyTyped repository. It made it easier to contribute by removing the need to adhere to formatting lint rules. And it drastically sped up the work to replace TSLint with ESLint. So I’m quite pleased about the results.

Our “DefinitelyFormatted” work was a success. 🏆


Sincere appreciation to everyone who participated in this effort. 🙏

First, the group chat where we discussed the idea early on, iterated on the proposal, and discussed the work as it evolved. Andrew Branch, David Sherret, Jake Bailey, Johnny Reilly, Piotr Błażejewicz, Nathan Shively-Sanders, Sebastian Silbermann - it was a pleasure working with you all and I hope we get to do it again soon!

On top of the generally helpful discussions, I also want to shout out:

Additional thanks to everyone who participated in Using a formatter for formatting (instead of lint rules). Even just posting a 👍 to indicate support helped us know we were on the right track. Special thanks in particular to Rick Kirkham for advising from the Microsoft Office side for their large auto-generated types packages.

Expect a blog post soon detailing the rest of the DefinitelyTyped TSLint-to-ESLint migration! ✨

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